Sunday, January 06, 2008


Upside down I am kissing U
U and always U
and forever U 
and everywhere U
U-who is my sister's brother but not mine
U who comes in dreams to remind me 
that all created and all imagined is 
for U and because of U. 
U who knows all my smiles 
and takes all my thoughts 
away from all that isn't U.
Upside down we sleep
like twins 
upside down U turn  the time
2 meet me in places forbidden for many. 
U with no name
no face
no voice
U with  all I need to die for. 
Tonight I put the secret key to my dreams
on the tree of forgetting. 
Take some leafs when U steal that key
and put them in front of my door
I hope the smell to wipe the memories 
in the mornings when I wake up looking for U...


svetlavasileva2001 said...

ako niakoi moje6e da vidi du6ata ,6te6e da vidi sun,ako niakoi moje6e da ia dokosne s ruka , 6te6e da ia po4uvstva kato tialoto si,a ako 4uva6e zvucite i ,6te6e da 4ue nai-slojnata muzikalna formula za razgavane.....svetla vasileva bulgaria

svetlavasileva2001 said...

skupia tvorec,moje sam da hodi sle du6ata si i ako tia ne go izgori,uspiava da stopli i drugite...svetla vasileva0bulgaria