Friday, May 25, 2012


Don't struggle, 
don't put your invisible masks
I won't let you in.
Don't wait infront the gate,
that door is closed for years
-I can't let my self in either.
I saw you walking on the hill
and picking up all those colorful flowers
but you don't know their names,
you don't remember their smell
they are all the same to you
once you put them in your vase. 

Don't throw big words in the air,
I can't quite get their meaning
everything is lost now
lost for my eyes and ears.

There is a sound I follow,
one sound
the sound of truth
hidden in the silence
behind your eyes.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Патување подолго од вечноста

Се бараме...
Со невидливи конци
Эа дрвото на вечноста сме врэани
Ти го држиш дрвото исправено
Јас сакам да го откорнам
И во мојте соништа да го пресадам

Се бараме...
Со милиони имиња
во адресарот на космосот сме эапишани
И само ти го энаеш моето прво име
 јас твоето го решавам ко крстоэбор

Се бараме...
Ти леташ до мене
А јас столетија цели
полэам до тебе
со исушени усни и испукани петици
и таква ме посакуваш
повеќе од воэдух или од вода.
Се бараме…

Ти имаш време
Јас моето го прокоцкав
По лажни мапи на светот
Ти црташ нови
јас го иэгубив компасот
Па сега лебдам иэгубено
Како глуварче последно во доцна пролет…
Ме влечат невидливи струи
Кон твоите нови мориња…
Се бараме…

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dream N3454iueuww1112o09947561

The message of the three virgins cut my fragile thoughts in half-"Your time is up"-they said. 
It is time to say goodbye. They said.

I runed through the city like decapitated beast,
where to go, 
who to meet, 
how to tell them 
that I am leaving?!

In a while....

My thoughts stop fighting the idea of leaving,
and like trained warrior started seeking 
the best strategy to consume
the time left.

I heard your voice
- Do not believe them! 
They are soul hunters.
One more attempt on your precious soul. Nothing more.

You can't leave now. U must not. 

My brain of a warrior again 
went through all your words
calculating the threat-
Are you after my soul too?
or are you my angel?

Or maybe perhaps
something more familiar? 

Are you my soul?! 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I wish these words were tears 
to slide down and fell straight into 
your thoughts 
to tell you
what I must 
 not tell you

I wish these tears were words
to get meaning
and make sense 
to your ears
to enter your heart
and whisper 
The Secret

I wish you close
your eyes and ears
forget all words and tears 
and just for a second there 
take my hand 
and take me back 
to the forest 
where we first met.