Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Rumi

When your chest is free of your limiting ego,
Then you will see the ageless Beloved.
You can not see yourself without a mirror;
Look at the Beloved, He is the brightest mirror.

Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy,
absentminded. Someone sober
will worry about things going badly.
Let the lover be.

When you find yourself with the Beloved, embracing for
one breath,
In that moment you will find your true destiny.
Alas, don't spoil this precious moment
Moments like this are very, very rare.

With the Beloved's water of life, no illness remains
In the Beloved's rose garden of union, no thorn remains.
They say there is a window from one heart to another
How can there be a window where no wall remains?

Monday, January 28, 2008

To the Beloved- devoted to Rumi

I am dedicating this month to -Jelaluddin Rumi, the 13th century mystic poet, was truly one of the most passionate and profound poets in history.  Now, today his presence still remains strong, due in part to how his words seem to drip of the divine, and startle a profound rememberance that links all back to the Soul-Essence.  Born in what is present day Afghanistan in 1207, he produced his master work the Masnawiwhich consists of over 60,000 poems before he died in 1273.  The best way to fully say in words his impact, is that he has the ability to describe the Indescribable, Ineffable-- God. 
Rumi's poetry have the power to change people hearts, to transform passive into active energy, to heal your heart and to lift you up to the sky to become one with the Creator. I find his words penetrating directly to my higher emotional intelligence and bringing my wandering self to the source of creativity.All his poems are about love....his words are coming directly from the spirit of love, the Creator, the one that is waiting to be waken up in ourselves. The beloved.
Out Beyond 
Out beyond ideas
 of wrongdoing and rightdoing,there is a field. 
 I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

by Rumi

The Taste of Morning

Time's knife slides from the sheath,
as fish from where it swims.

Being closer and closer is the desire 
of the body. Don't wish for union!

There's a closeness beyond that. Why
would God want a second God? Fall in

love in such a way that it frees you
from any connecting. Love is the soul's

light, the taste of morning, no me, no
we, no claim of being. These words

are the smoke the fire gives off as it
absolves its defects, as eyes in silence,

tears, face. Love cannot be said.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Between all things

Between all the lies I know you are the purest
Cause all this world is lie in a lie
And all my eyes can reach is only a copy of your face

You are the sun behind the sun
You are the heart of my heart
You are the essence in my form

Where do I rush when I only
want to meet you?

Am I going to meet myself when you come across?

I am erasing all created by human
And I call you to enjoy the view with me
You will see that there will be nothing left-
But You and Me
As it was at the beginning.

Once I was Ocean and You was the water in the Ocean
Once I was space and You was the air in the Space
Once I was time and You was the eternity in the Time
Once I was You and You was Us

In these long days of pollution
I can still remember you in the moments
I forget about myself ...
I'm longing to be with you again my Love
in that Your Universe
of perfect innocence of being

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When the lovers meet they exchange their skins

When the lovers meet they exchange their skins


Only The Lover knows what waiting means

Without sand’s watch, 

without the Sun and the Moon

He feels the time passing on his skin

-skin longing for touch , burning for warmth

Dying for replacement.


Monday, January 21, 2008

White nights

White Nights


Only the anger can save me from this helpless love of mine

Deceived, betrayed, abandoned, insulted –

With every second I inhale

 I only wait

for more of the same poison

Kiss me even if that means pain

Hold me even if that means prison

Punish me even if that means You


Don’t ever leave this room of waiting

Don’t ever open this window of expectations

Don’t ever fall a sleep on this bed of dreams

-for I will take you with me there forever

Haunted soul between the sky and the earth you will become

Mine forever my Love

Don’t ever ask me to let you go

Cause for letting you go would mean

Waking up

And it is too late for me to wake up

In this pitch black night of longing

For your surrender.

Once the night is over and you wake up

You will miss me

-as the night miss the darkness in the White Nights.



Hidden like a 
sunshine under the chair 
every second look you 
send far away from me
hits the wall of my fear
I wanna smell your lips 
with my hair 
I wanna hear your heart 
with my skin
I wanna touch your eyes
with my breath

Hidden like a cat's dream 
in a winter night
your trails vanishes from my memory.
Left alone with fake fantasy
I dream of ghosts -
they all claim to be your twins
but non of them knows my name.

Hidden like the fears you have
the night comes to ask for 
revenge -
we've took too much hours
 adding more night in the mornings
-the hours in which you hide me in your shadow. 

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The other half

Half of the mirror you've seen
-the other half is me.
half of the stars you've counted
the other half are your eyes.
Half of the ocean is empty
the other half are my tears.
Half of this is true
the other half  you know it
from your dreams.
Half is not enough
to make this half empty
still, half is not enough 
to make this half one whole.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Upside down I am kissing U
U and always U
and forever U 
and everywhere U
U-who is my sister's brother but not mine
U who comes in dreams to remind me 
that all created and all imagined is 
for U and because of U. 
U who knows all my smiles 
and takes all my thoughts 
away from all that isn't U.
Upside down we sleep
like twins 
upside down U turn  the time
2 meet me in places forbidden for many. 
U with no name
no face
no voice
U with  all I need to die for. 
Tonight I put the secret key to my dreams
on the tree of forgetting. 
Take some leafs when U steal that key
and put them in front of my door
I hope the smell to wipe the memories 
in the mornings when I wake up looking for U...